AI Chet prompts 1-6 :
for the sins of silence...

Neither the Jewish Emergent Network nor Dimensions are directly endorsing any of the artists, healers, diverse teachers of faith, or other content creators whose work is linked in this challenge. We are sharing the world of spirit equitably with many people as we endeavor to learn more about our need to work together across diverse faith communities to dismantle racism and white supremacy for us all.​

Prompt six

White Jews Learning Track

Healing Racism With Love


READ: Ahavat Chinam- Healing Racism with Love (below)

“Equity and justice grows between people when their actions are fueled by an understanding that far from the loving thoughts, prayers and contributions of any individual leader, what people suffering injustice in our world need right now is more LOVE. Not charitable love, but Love that pours down freely like rain. Love that like rain, wants to share itself so bad that it refuses to discriminate, (i.e. giving up that you can love America so much that you can’t love me…) Love that feeds and transforms what has become parched and dried,(i.e. loving the truth out of each other so that there can be healing and reconciliation over the hurts of our shared past) Love that like rain doesn’t judge the recipient of its gift but pours down and lets its waters find their own way. (Love for our children and their safety in schools, love for the immigrants, refugees and homeless among us, love for our mother earth and her care for us despite our abuses, love for those who live regularly with economic insecurity, human love and compassion that transcends politics and borders and gives us the courage to do the right thing and reform systems that are killing us.)” -Yavilah McCoy


REFLECT & JOURNAL: How will you use a “Revolutionary Act of Love” to begin healing historic and present impacts of Racism this week? Consider someone/something that your actions as opposed to your words of love will be best positioned to help/empower? Decide whether it matters that your act of love is known/not known by the recipient. Take action and journal on what this was like for you…

Black, Indigenous, Sephardi/Mizrachi and More Broadly Identified Jews of Color Learning Track 

The I and We of our Breath… Breathing Our Way to Anti-Racism in Practice

LISTEN: 25 Practice: Grounded Breathing with Teresa P Mateus of Mystic Soul Project


SEE: Spirituality and Anti-Racism: Healing Affirmations for People of Color by Healing Justice.Org

SEE: Healing Steps 

REFLECT: “Love and justice are not two. Without inner change, there can be no outer change; without collective change, no change matters.” What do this call to action from Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams and the Healing Steps of Affirmation (linked above) mean to you and anti-racism practice?

Prompt six