AI Chet prompts 1-6 :
for the sins of silence...

Neither the Jewish Emergent Network nor Dimensions are directly endorsing any of the artists, healers, diverse teachers of faith, or other content creators whose work is linked in this challenge. We are sharing the world of spirit equitably with many people as we endeavor to learn more about our need to work together across diverse faith communities to dismantle racism and white supremacy for us all.​

Prompt two

White Jews Learning Track

WATCH: Rev. Dr. Otis Moss- The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery

READ: Leo Frank Article on Sephardic Communities

LISTEN: Race & US: Yehudah Kurtzer & Yavilah McCoy

REFLECT: How am I deepening my commitment to becoming a lifelong re-learner of history within my anti-racist practice? What do I know about the impact of White Supremacy systems on the formation of Jewish institutions and communities? What commitments have I made to learning more?

Black, Indigenous, Sephardi/Mizrachi and More Broadly Identified Jews of Color Learning Track 

The We of Resisting Erasure and Embracing Our Diverse Entry Points and Cultural Narratives As BIPOC, and Sephardi/Mizrachi JOC

READ: Being Black, Brown and Jewish By Courtney Parker West 

LISTEN: Sacred Conversations to End Racism, Hosted by Tracy Howe Wispelwey & Dr. Valda Love, Indigenous Approaches to Anti-Racism in conversation with Elona Street Stuart and Edgar Villanueva. (Begin Listening at timestamp 9:56)

REFLECT: Dismantling the WE of Racism, Erasure and Genocide Targeting Indigenous People

Prompt two